Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Problem with Storage for VDI

February 2008 seems like a long time ago, and now that I think about it, it was.
I used my phones to make phone calls.
If I wanted to watch a movie, I went to Blockbuster and rented a DVD.
If I got lost, I asked someone for directions.

And someone told me it was the year of VDI, and I believed it!

The previous September, I’d been out at VMworld in Frisco when I first heard about VMware’s acquisition of Propero, who made VDM, which later evolved into View – although so much of the original code has been re-written over the years that today View bears little resemblance to VDM 1.0.

It seemed like a great idea – take all of a company’s IT policies, applications, data and wrap it up into a bubble that people can access over the network.

In my experience, through 2008 – 2010 a lot of people agreed. I saw a lot of customer interest in desktop virtualization. Or maybe it was just Windows Vista that caused people to look at alternatives.
But I know this - I wore out several pairs of shoes because I spent so much time walking around London talking to customers about VDI.
But the problem that customers inevitably ran into was that VDI was too expensive.
And most of that cost was storage.
Here’s a scenario I saw play-out countless times:
  • Customer asks Storage Vendor for a quote to support 1000 desktops.
  • Storage Vendor asks how much capacity and performance do you need
  • Customer says 40GB per desktop & 20 IOPs
  • Storage vendor works out one disk gives 200 IOPs so they need 100 disks.
  • Customer does a pilot and finds out that during boot and login times, the desktops actually need 100 IOPs
  • Storage vendor re-calculates and says they need 500 disks
  • Storage vendor prices each disk at $1000*
  • Storage vendor gives a quote for $500,000*
  • Customer faints

*prices are for illustration only – I don’t deal with pricing and I have no idea what things actually cost.

Since 2008 many storage vendors have worked hard to change this.
One of the first things to come out was deduplication. Unfortunately this never really helped to make a significant difference to the cost of VDI. Take my example above…

Let’s say we went with 300GB Fibre Channel disk drives (Serial Attached SCSI aka SAS was in it’s early days in 2008). 500 of those would give us a raw capacity of 146TB. Now, we’ll loose a bunch of that to disk right sizing, formatting, raid overheads etc. Let’s assume a worst case and we have 50% of the raw capacity available as useable storage – so 73TB.

We have 1000 desktops, which need 40GB each – so 40TB.
That means that we had to put in 33TB more useable capacity than we actually needed – because we needed the spindle count to deliver performance.

So apply dedupe to that…if we achieve 50% space savings then we can shrink our 40TB worth of used space for our desktops down to 20TB. But we still had to put in 73TB of useable space.

Sold State Disks (SSDs) arrived in 2010 and at first glance seemed to be the ideal option to deliver the performance requirements from fewer disks– but they were, and still are, IMHO, very expensive.
After all, if an SSD is 10x faster than a normal disk, then instead of 500 disks you can use 50 SSDs.
But if the SSDs cost $20,000* each then that’s $1,000,000 – double the price of 500 Fibre Channel disks. Think about that – a cool $1m dollars for 1000 users. Suddenly buying them all new laptops looks like a good option.

*again prices are for illustration only. Seriously I don’t even know how much a pint of milk costs these days.

So SSD is too expensive, and normal disks are too slow. Enter Flash-as-a-Cache.
The idea was to use Flash storage (either NAND or SSDs) to serve some of the performance requirement, along with normal disks (Fibre Channel / SAS) to store the data.
It seemed like a great comprise – particularly when you included technology to reduce the amount of capacity you used, whether that be deduplication, or linked clones, or both.
You could use fewer traditional disks – just enough for the capacity you needed. And, a small amount of SSD or Flash – just enough for the performance you needed.

But, this too had problems. Most implementations only used the Flash to handle read I/Os.
This wasn’t too bad when we were dealing with Windows XP, which tended to perform a lot of reads (usually around 60% reads).
But when Windows 7 arrived we saw that it actually tended to perform a lot of writes (sometimes 80% writes).
So when the bulk of your I/O Operations (IOPs) are writes, a very fast read cache doesn’t really help you.

That’s not to say that storage arrays didn’t have methods for handling writes. Almost every array has some kind of write caching, and some even do things like write coalescing to reduce the amount of IOPs that hit the backend disks.
However this still didn’t really make a difference to the cost of storage for VDI.

So what is the answer?
Well, I don’t have one!
What I do know is that, since 2008, a lot of new storage technologies have been introduced to try and make storage cheaper – but in reality these technologies cost about as much, if not more, than they ultimately save.
So I doubt very much that a new piece of storage hardware, or a new storage array feature in the future will make a difference.
What we need to do is make storage a commodity – drive down the price of the hardware by doing more things in software. I think this is the future of storage for VDI – and hopefully it will arrive someday soon!  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Installing VMware Horizon Workspace

Last week I spent some time installing Horizon Workspace to create a new demo environment.

Workspace is distributed as a vApp, which you can download here:

Personally, I quite like the idea of disributing software as a vApp - especially one that pretty much self-configures the way workspace does (more on that later).
However, it can't do all the work for you - there's a few things you need to make sure you have checked or setup before you start:

Check vCenter for previous versions of Horizon Workspace.
I installed v1.5, but I've heard of several people who got tripped up by "stuff" hanging around in vCenter from previous installations.
So, the first thing to do is make sure, if you have a previous version of workspace registered to your vCenter server, shut it down and either remove it from the inventory or delete it from disk.
You should also remove the extension from vCenter, which will involve using the Managed Object Browser (MOB).
There's a good guide to using the MOB here: http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2010/07/how-to-unregister-vcenter.html 

The Horizon Workspace extension isn't easily to identify. Here's what one of mine looked like:
As you can see, there isn't really anything in the properties that says Horizon or Workspace. In fact, even the version number is wrong (this is from a v1.5 install!).

The best way I've found of identifying which extension related to Horizon Workspace is to basically rule out all the others.
Within the vSphere Client, vCenter can give you a more user friendly list of extensions:
Here's what the extension looks like in vCenter
So, from here we can work out that the extension we need to unregister has a version number of 1.0.0. 
Depending on how many extensions you have, it shouldn't be too much trouble to identify which one is Horizon Workspace.

Add an IP Pool & Network Protocol Profile
When you deploy the vApp, it will check to see if you have this configured. 

You can create an IP Pool in vCenter via the vSphere client & associate it with the virtual network that you want to deploy Horizon Workspace to, but it seems that the network protocol profile is something that you can only do in the vSphere Web Client today:

Oh, and remember, if you plan to use fixed IP addresses, DO NOT ENABLE THE IP POOL! Although the vApp checks to see if it's there, if you deploy the vApp using fixed (static) IP addresses and the IP Pool is enabled it actually seems to trip up the configurator-va so leave it disabled:

Assign Static IP Addresses for the vApp
You'll need 5 IP addresses for the vApp, one for each machine:

I'd recommend keeping a few addresses spare in case you need to deploy additional instances of the data-va (more on this will follow in a future post).

Setup DNS entries & reverse lookups for the vApp VMs
This bit is particularly important. When you fire up the vApp, the configurator-va VM will test DNS to see if this has been configured - if it hasn't, the vApp won't deploy. 
Incidentally, I also found that sluggish performance from my DNS server also tripped me up - I later realised this was down to a network configuration issue - but it's worth bearing in mind that Horizon Workspace is sensitive to the response time it gets from DNS.

SMTP Server
You'll need one of these! Again, this is something the configurator-va will ask for, and if it can't see your SMTP server, the installation won't proceed.
Here's a guide I found useful for setting up an SMTP server on Windows 2008 R2:
Here's my SMTP server all setup:

NTP ConfigurationI'm actually not sure if this is essential, but I did notice that the configurator synchronises the time across all the VMs in the vApp, so I thought it would be a good idea if that time was actually correct.
So, in my case I setup my domain controller to act as an NTP server and told all my ESXi hosts to get their time configuration from that.

With all that done, you should be fine to deploy the vApp. Here's what the installation process looked like for me:
First upload the vApp. As you can see, it very helpfully tells you how much disk space you'll need to deploy it!

I'm using fixed or static IP addresses, and yes I did make sure that my IP Pool isn't enabled!

Once you've deployed the vApp, fire up the configurator-va and it will begin prompting you for the information it needs to setup the other VMs in the vApp.

As you can see, the first thing the configurator will do is check if DNS is working properly.

A few steps later, and the configurator has all the info it needs. Now it's going to power on all the other VMs in the vApp and start pushing down their configuration. 

When it's all done, you should see this! Hit enter, and you'll be ready to start configuring Horizon Workspace.

And here's the web portal that we'll use to configure Horizon Workspace  - I'll do another post on that soon!

New Job, New Blog...

For my first post on my new blog, I thought I'd introduce myself and note down a few things.

I'm Luke. I joined VMware on the 15th July 2013, as an End User Computing Specialist Systems Engineer for the UK.

I've spent spent the previous year backpacking around South East Asia, surfing & drinking beer (which was awesome!).
Before I went travelling, I'd spent the previous 7 years (2005 - 2012) working for NetApp. From 2007 - 2012 I was the VMware pre-sales subject matter expert for the UK, so I knew the technology and the people here at VMware pretty well.

So far I really like it here at VMware. It's great to be surrounded by so many smart people!

In my last year or so at NetApp, I found it useful to keep a blog - really it was just a place to note down useful information so I wouldn't forget it. NetApp have been kind enough to keep my old blog online (https://communities.netapp.com/blogs/luke), but from now on I'll be blogging here.